#dotdotdot v4

It's back! The event that packs in talks, screenings, demos, installations and random chit chat with a digital bent

#dotdotdot is back!

v4 features:

[talk] mark farid on 'seeing i'
experimental art and performance project involving virtual reality

[talk] daniel jones + frank swain on 'phantom terrains'
sensory augmentation plaftorm that rendersaudible the hidden landscape of wireless networks

[installation/live] florence to + uraki riddim [fine grains]
spatial installation with sound design

[demo] chairaxj01
make digital artworks using just a chair, code and your bum 

[music] bleep.com

[screening] onedotzero program of short film, music video and animation 

rsvp to info@onedotzero.com or visit the facebook event page